Sarah Hameed
5 min readJun 24, 2021



Let’s discuss the issue that most teenagers are facing in their ongoing lives or in the past few decades, which is the term "toxic friendships.". If we go back in time, we all dealt with issues related to this term, and most of us thought that we were never going to, but we did.

Most friendships wave red flags, and it’s an early sign. If you have been lied to, cheated on, and betrayed by your best of best friends, here is how it starts and how you can move on from my experience.


When things seem to go pretty well between both friends, there isn’t a single chance one can think about ignoring the other person without reason. Just like that, a toxic friend will start to ignore you and blame it on their everyday "errands,” or they’ll give you a solid, sleek excuse like, “Something came up.” They’ll give you false hope that everything is okay and they are just busy with something.

But the question arises: how long can one stay occupied with work? More like hours? or number of days? or even weeks?

Yep, that’s right a true friend always carves time out of their busy lives, but giving false excuses is just a golden sign of a toxic friend.


No matter how much time the two of you have spent together, things will start to get heated, and you will be the one feeling left alone and pressured. It will get so bad that you will start to recall things or promises you made with them, but doing that won’t even help; it will get worse and worse. You will start blaming yourself, saying that you shouldn’t have forced a single push that this friendship needed every time.


It’s possible for two friends to share their life-wrecking problems or the secrets they never told anyone; it depends on how much trust builds every single time you tell them something, but in return, they never open up or value your secrets. They’ll end up changing the subject and making it about them, and you will be left hanging in the middle of the emotions that you want to share with them. But again, every time, they won’t budge their attitude and give you an appreciation for what you have gone through alone.

A huge wave of regrets will hit the shores of your brain, and you will start to realize everything. You told them it was a mistake. All your secrets that have been given no value will seem useless.


If you are an honest friend who has gone through such friendship breakups, then you need to realize that it has already happened and there isn’t anything you can do to change anything about it. What you can do is be mature and accept the facts and the possibilities. One important thing you can do is not linger in the past or sneak back there to think about all the memories; instead, think about a good few friends you have in your life, be grateful to have them, and learn to grow out of the dilemma.

Here’s how you can start to think positively by accepting these:

You can’t control what others think about you.

You tried your best to keep them, but they don’t deserve you.

You can’t please every single person in your life, so focus on your happiness.

Try to move on and advance the process.


Just as someone can move on from a relationship breakup easily, they can also move on from a friendship breakup, no matter how deep the bonding was. For some people, it takes weeks, months, or years to just know that you are growing out of it for the better and that it’s making you stronger and wiser. If moving on becomes hard for you, think of the opposite situation, like, “Is that person worthy of my time”? You will hear your brain screaming, “HELL NO”.

You will start to accept it and move on from it, even if it requires a little step. Just take it, because that is how it will become easy for you no matter what.


Oftentimes, we are so strangled up in past relationships that we forget about the good ones we have. I know if someone mistreats or uses you it cuts deeper than a knife. Don’t poison yourself by thinking about what they did. Instead, put your thinking and your energy into something that’s going to benefit you, because in the end, only you matter.

“Judge nothing; you will be happy. Forgive everything; you will be happier. Love everything; you will be happiest.” ~ Sri Chinmoy

The famous and well-known quote from Sri Chinmoy tells us to be positive in dealing with mishaps like this. If you don’t want to affect your healthy lifestyle and rust your brain, then stop immediately because it’s not going to do any good but make things worse.


It’s never too late for you to meet new cool people and open up to them because talking helps. You may have people in your life who have always wanted to be by your side, help you in your hard times, and be there to give you a shoulder. Find them and keep them close so they can help you heal. Now how do you recognize them if things are not too precise for you?

  1. They will listen to you at any time of the day.
  2. They won’t turn their backs on you.
  3. They will show you your value by staying with you.
  4. They will love you endlessly.
  5. They will be happy for your achievements.
  6. You will have their support.

If you are lucky enough to find people that have such qualities, trust me, you are going to notice how your mood enhances when you talk to them, how much your happiness will revolve around you, and you will gain those friendships’ trust again.


Allow yourself to cut out negative people because you deserve to be happy, and surround yourself with the ones that bring out the best in you. Friends are supposed to be there for you in your hard times. When you think about letting go of your toxic friends just remember you are doing it for yourself cause you wanna focus on the inner damage that they caused you and by doing that you will see yourself moving towards something better cause in the end we all deserve to be happy and we have a power to make that happen.